tech analyst

2740 days ago

Just how useless is a house broker "buy" note: Shamed Canaccord on IGAS

This website has pointed out that AIM listed IGAS has been a slam dunk sell for more than two years but for a good few months as it warned that it would breach covenants on its bonds any moron could see that the writing was on the wall. Except loyal house broker Cannacord, shamed over the Quindell fraud, its research on this has been laughable. It shows that a buy note from a house broker, especially one as shoddy as Cannacord, is just worthless. You will remember how Canaccord fired heroic Kevin Ashton, the world's number 1 tech analyst, when he refused to write a buy note on the Quindell fraud.


2888 days ago

Fusionex: A Right Wrong 'un reports dismal interims, well done Kevin Ashton

We have been on the case of bargepole stock Fusionex (FXI) since the world's greatest tech analyst Kevin Ashton flagged it up as a sell at UK Investor 2015. The bear case grew with Zak Mir giving it the kiss of death with not one but two buy tips but it was the trading statement last Autumn that really woke folks up to the genius of Ashton as an analyst and of Mir as a counter-indicator. Today we have interims. Natch, the shares are down - at 158p - but the stance remains a stand out sell.
